Wednesday 30 January 2013

WIP Wednesday #3 and YOP all in one

So this week I started a hat and beard combination for my little cousin. He requested it for his school's career day. He's absolutely obsessed with A&E's Duck Dynasty and has decided that's who he's dressing up as. So he's requested a camo hat with a really long beard attached. I'm actually excited and the hat's been going pretty quick. I will for sure have the hat done by Friday not sure about the beard though.

And in YOP news I finally finished the first item on my list.

LG's dress is finally finished. Unfortunately my gauge was off just enough that I think it's a size bigger than I meant to make it. So it doesn't fit right now but we have a few events she can wear it to in the spring. I've got to get better at measuring gauge obviously.

Last night I meant to a meeting for our local Farmer's Market which my great-aunt participates in as well and she brought me a present.

It was a bag full of yarn she told me that she couldn't use anymore. She's getting arthritis really bad in her hands and is slowing down on her knitting. She's in her 80's and very stubborn about these things so I was really surprised. I didn't get a chance to go through it last night so I did this morning. It wasn't just yarn there's also a small loom in there as well. I love all the yarn, perfect for baby projects. The white one in the middle made me laugh though. It's so old the name brand on the label is just 'Acrylic'.
It's pretty scratchy so that one might not get used but she said it wouldn't hurt her feelings if I had to throw any of it away. I have a few projects in mind for it and some even work into my YOP list.

So I have finished 1/21 items on my YOP list, that's a little intimidating. But I'm going to do my best, I have 11 months left :)
So go on over to the Ravelry group to check out everyone's YOP progress and over to Tami's Amis to see everyone else's WIPs.


  1. It's wonderful when you get a gift of yarn like that. It's like you are being bestowed with the crafting mantle from previous generations. Getting the free loom is a bonus too. I find myself browsing online for a cheap loom and then I remind myself I have too many hobbies already!

  2. Pretty amazing dress..above my skill level but amazing. LG must love it.. I was gifted a lot of old was fun going through and finding projects for it!

  3. Pretty dresses. I love fair isle techniques. Have a good week.

  4. Pretty Fair isle. Looks like you are quite an accomplished knitter!

  5. I bet the beard/hat combo will turn out great. And I love the sweater! Too bad it's too big, but better that way than the other way around, I guess?
