Wednesday 9 January 2013

WIP and a little one

 So here's the first post of this new blog. I'm very excited to be blogging again it's been almost a year. Many changes since then. I started a new company for all of my knitted and crochet goods called Northern Touches by Heather. I have been doing local farmer's markets for a few years and just decided recently to buckle down and be a bit more about my business. But that's all the business talk for this post because my WIP is actually for my little girl.

It's a knitted dress from Drops Design. It was supposed to be a Christmas present but didn't get it started until December 23rd so of course it didn't get done. It's been busy lately so of course all my knitting is getting done pretty late at night after DH and LG are in bed.

Here's the skirt portion and most of the bodice of the dress. I love this colour combination.

For some reason I love the wrong side of any colourful knitting. It's really interesting to see the patterns that develop.

And my forever WIP is my LG. I don't think she was very impressed to have her picture taken this early in the morning. And my other WIP is another little one on the way, already halfway there. I'd post a picture but considering today is a PJ, housecoat and decaf coffee kind of day that's not going to happen.

Check out the other WIP's at Tami's Amis, lots of great blogs listed on there:


  1. Heather,

    That is a very pretty purple! Good luck with the dress and your blog!

  2. Love the purple dress, do you have a link to the pattern?
