Wednesday 16 January 2013

WIP Wednesday #2 and update on my YOP

It's the middle of a very busy week for sure. I haven't got a lot of knitting done but I did do two small crochet projects that I of course forgot to take a picture of. I gave away a simple crocheted toque and felt bad that it was so plain. So I made the little girl it was going to two button on flowers. They were fast and turned out great. Might have to make something like this for the shop.

But more on that another day.

Here's my WIP for today, knitwise anyway.

It's the first sleeve for LG's dress. It's about half done, then just the other side and I can start on the pretty pattern of the yoke. I got asked for a link for the pattern so here it is:

This is the first item off of my YOP list that I'm going to finish and then I have to decide what to start on next. I think I should get some of my stockings knocked off as I've gotten about three more requests for them.

I've been working on knitting related stuff but not actually knitting. Here's what all of my supplies looked like right now.

LG's going to be moving into our spare room to make the nursery available for Baby#2 so I have to move all of my supplies out of what is my spare room. So everything is getting packed up and moving under my bed or in a corner of my room. Sorry for the dark photo, my Iphone didn't like the natural light (the little bit we've got today) apparently.

And in WIP news, here's the first belly picture to be on this blog.

Believe it or not I have four and half months to go. I swear I'm going to burst already. I was huge with LG, my DH is fairly tall with long arms and he could barely wrap his arms around me when we were in the hospital delivering LG. I'll try to keep you posted on the belly :D

And of course LG was helping me organize the spare room in her own way.

I love her PJ's and want a pair for myself. They're very soft and warm. Plus only $7 at our local Walmart. 

Check out the other WIP's over at Tami's Ami's


  1. That dress you're working on is DARLING! And, your bump is adorable! You're super tiny!

  2. Aww that dress is fab!! You are looking great too..plenty more growing room :) Good luck with the sorting out of things.

  3. Love the little dress you are making!!! And Congrats on the new little one!! You look adorable :)

  4. That dress is super cute, as is LG. She'll look adorable in it!
